My name is Rob Mason, founder of 'Rob Mason Runs,' a comprehensive platform designed for runners. Here, you'll gain access to my 'Mindset for Runners' online course and community, podcast episodes, presentations, panel discussions, and more. My mission is to inspire runners to maximise their potential through effective mindset training.

About my running journey - I ran my first 100 km ultramarathon in 2009 and although I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards and swore i’d never run a step again, I became hooked on ultra running. The following year, with the help and advice from my mentors and friends in the ultra running community, I completed the ‘Triple Crown’ of Australian ultra running, the Glasshouse Mountains 100 mile ultra, the Great North Walk 100 mile ultra and the 240km Coast to Kosciuszko ultra within a 4 month period.

In 2011, I completed a multi-day fundraising run between Sydney and Wagga Wagga, raising money for the Westmead Children’s Hospital Burns unit along the way.

Between 2011 and 2015 through trial and error, I learned the ways of ultra running, competing in multiple 100 km and 100 mile races including Coast to Kosciuszko three more times.

I began working with Australian ultra running legend Martin Fryer in 2015, and my results skyrocketed, achieving regular podium appearances, including a win at the 2018 Glasshouse Mountains 100 miler, and strong performances across distances from 50km to 240km in the next few years.

All of this combined, I still felt as though an aspect of my training was missing and it was at this point for me, that I went all in on working on mindset.

I began working with a mindset coach personally, drew from my background as a successful Ultra Runner and launched the ‘Mindset for Runners’ podcast. It is between this and my running experience that lead me to achieving my dream of winning the Coast to Kosciuszko in 2022.

I’ve learned from mindset mentors, mental skills coaches and professional athletes at the top of their game. I've studied with sports psychologists, read the books and completed the programs.

What I’ve learned and applied and from all of this study over the years has led me on a journey from being a middle of the pack runner to appearing on the podium, and winning some of the biggest ultramarathons in Australia.

However, what I’m most excited about is I’m now ready to share everything I’ve learnt with you.